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kernel make error "arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.o:(.rodata+0x1120): undefined reference to"

This error stops my kernel make process ld: arch/x86/entry/syscall_64.o:(.rodata+0x1120): undefined reference to `__x64_sys_fd' BTF .btf.vmlinux.bin.o pahol

Its instance type 'BrowserRouter' is not a valid JSX element

I work on a project developed in React + coreui that has always worked perfectly. However, in the last week, I had an inexplicable problem when deploying a modi

How to print amount of occurrences of specific string in descending order?

I'm looking to use a String[] of logs detailing users who have connected to a website to print out in descending order the amount of times each user has connect

How do I get the base64 of a file upload in React.js?

This original code included ".name" but I changed it to ".base64." When it included ".name" it produced "file name: file." I need the base64 of a file for the a

Safari load two images (dublicate with different sizes) from srcset in tag img

I had a problem in Safari when the page loaded in Devtools > Network drowser loaded two versions of the same image. For example: yNG3yARUuYG2BUZL___media_lib

What is the best practive in bazel to overwrite the copts of an external dependency?

Suppose I have a workspace(name == "foo") who requires an external lib "bar". In the workspace I declair a cc_binary(name = "baz", deps = ["@bar"]). "bar" is a

Recount SQL auto increment ID while keeping the other columns intact

I have a table like this ID NAME 1 MICHAEL 2 JORDAN 5 DONALD 7 JAYCE 8 ROY 11 JOHN 16 DOE Is there a way to recount the ID from the beggining so there is a se

split one column values into multiple column based another column value

could you please help me writing select query to get expected output from the below picture. what I want is to split the UPC column values into three columns(Bo

How to split excel worksheet into multiple excel workbook

Sub SplitandFilterSheet() Dim Splitcode As Range Sheets("Sheet1").Select Set Splitcode = Range("Splitcode") For Each cell In Splitcode Sheets("PO Line Item"

Blobxfer: Retry policy did not allow for a retry

I'm trying to copy all files from one container (or blob storage) to another. While it took a while to come to the following setup, it seems to work, but one is