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How to export google tag manager tags and triggers into Excel or Google sheet file?

I have to do an audit for different Google tag manager accounts and I would like to export from their respective containers the tags and triggers into an excel

How to parse each HCL dictionary item by golang?

I have tried to parse HCL config using golang, but it's not working. type cfg_dict struct { name string `hcl:",key"` type string

How to connect LoveFrames components to changes made in love.update

I'm building a Love2D project and using LoveFrames as the UI library. I'm having trouble hooking components into changes that happen in love.update closure. For

Cypres - mochawesome reports - reportDir

I am trying to implement dynamic path to mochawesome reports for different browsers e.g for example, for chrome it is supposed to be cypress/reports/chrome/moch

creating simple login function using PHP and SQLite

I am trying to create simple log-in function where I am using PHP and SQLite to make it work but every time I click log-in I get "Fatal error: Uncaught exceptio

Azure App Service deploy Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites'

In the last 6 months I have been releasing with a pipeline in Azure DevOps, but today I receive the following error: 2019-09-25T14:24:38.4296875Z ##[section]St