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Merkle Proof in python using Keccak256

I'm trying to create a whitelist for an NFT using a Merkle tree to save on gas costs. I saw a great implementation here, in javascript, but I would like to do

How can we change this date string 13MAY2022 into datetime format in python/ [duplicate]

This is my date string myString = "13MAY2022" Can anyone tell me please how can we change this myString into datetime format in python?

Java tests failing when running through Maven on MacOS Monterey

I’m currently seeing an issue with my Java 8/Kotlin unit tests while executing them with Maven. This started happening after upgrading to MacOS Monterey.

How can I make the form editable when I click the edit button?

I made a basic profile page and users can be edit their profile informations. I put a button to end of the page. At first, form should be unedited but when I cl

What is with these points values like 0x5555555?

I've not used C++ in ages, Maybe something changed. I have a large program I did not write but need to use and it seems to randomly segfault, So I re-build

Update global variable with Pool() executions

Pretty new to multiprocessing and global variables, need to update value x with every pool execution. Final result will be 65 (5+10+20+30). Any thoughts? from m

Moving a file from host with docker-compose volume before Dockerfile is built

I have a few Dockerfiles that are dependant on a "pat" (Personal Access Token) file to be able to access a private nuget feed. I have taken some inspiration fro

'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command ONLY in specific vscode project [closed]

Node is added as an envrionment variable and works with CMD, but once VS Code is opened and a node command is ran, i.e "yarn" "node" "npm" it

can't run the package after activation flutter

I want to activate the ff_annotation_route package with the command below pub global activate ff_annotation_route the result is as below Package ff_annotation