I tried to install Composer-php in Windows 10 by downloading the executable Composer-Setup.exe from getcomposer. When prompted during installation to chose the
I have a table in ScyllaDB: CREATE TABLE myservice.auditlog ( operatorid text, operationtime bigint, action text, actiontype text, appname t
I have the following two tables in excel. Table 1 contains the date, closing share price and log. In the second table, i have the date and the number of years
I have been asked to test the following code, but have no idea about it. import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import db from './db'; async function uploadUserInfo(userID
C11, Real floating and integer: When a finite value of real floating type is converted to an integer type other than _Bool, the fractional part is disc
When I run the code below, I can train the MNIST dataset with the model in the code. But when I modified the dataset to RGB dataset, the batch_size in the param
General scenario: Suppose any given user is associated to a stateful session that is managed by my service each session is handled by a specific host within my
Problem Subview added programmatically to containerView ( UIView, which is connected with @IBOutlet on storyboard ) inside presented HistogramViewController (Vi