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How do I make this loop all children recursively?

I have the following: for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){ if(hasClass(children[i], "lbExclude")){ children[i].parentNode.removeChild(childr

Is there a way for me to send args[1] args[2] times?

I want my bot to be able to send someone a DM of args[1] however many times args[2] is. I think it should be pretty simple but so far I haven't found a way to d

Can not brew uninstall

I'm new to the community and I have just started to learn how to code. So, what I was first trying to do is to change the installation path of the packages of H

Alarm Button interacts incorrectly with view - SwiftUI

I'm continuing to develop a timer app for practice purposes and have the basic functions ready so far. The timer works in such a way that if you click on "Start

executeJavascript in Vaadin Testbench

when I try to get via UI.getCurrent().getPage() to executeJs , it says getPage() (or something above is null). How can I execute Javascript Commands in Testbenc

Kendo Filter widget can support relative fields for filtering?

I am trying to implement filter which can support relative fields i.e. the first field would be table names once user choose any table then second field gets po

Im trying something with IF in Batch but is not working as im expecting

I need to do an script that looks for some text in a file and also look for a file itself in a %userprofile% path, and it works fine but when i tried to unify i