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Update bitmap in Image in jetpack compose

Task: I am trying the blurring of the view after setting up the grid with the cells having diff colours (which works nicely in android SDK 31+) Situation: Since

rke create cluster without ssh key but with username and password

Is there any way I can create kubernetes cluster without using ssh key ? I have user/pass and I'd like to create cluster with user/pass only, and definitely wit

Remove Last Characters from my filenames in windows

Im quite new to batch programming and i wanted to remove the last characters on my filename. 10_myfile_12345_6789.txt 11_myfile_12345_0987.txt I want to remo

What's the 'Material' way of going about displaying a row-count on a table?

I have a project where there are multiple Angular mat-tables. The requirements for the project state that it must abide by Material principles, and that each ta

Docker image digest is different to the resulting digest once pushed to the Github Container Registry

I have a CI pipeline on Github Actions that builds and pushes a docker image, then, I have a seperate repository that has an action that I trigget from the comm

MariaDB server is down after reboot

I needed to know my mariadb version but there's a typo mysqld -version (I installed it via apt, it was working with cli login, but not mysqli). The command jamm

False Unused Import Statement in PyCharm?

Given this scenario: import A # A is unused here from b import A # A is used here PyCharm complains in that import A is an unused import and

Use XPATH to Isolate a Child Image

I'm running a Ruby script that isolates and extracts datapoints/nodes from a Wordpress export file. (XML) I'm having success with basic XPATH for these nodes: #

laravel livewire exception: Queueing collections with multiple model connections is not supported

I´m beggining my Livewire journey and have created a list component which contains a form component for each of the list elements, and as I am trying to m