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Proper settings for plot.estimateEffect in stm package

The stm package provides an indispensable set of tools for estimating the effect of covariates on topic prevalence. The plot.estimateEffect() function in partic

How to ignore empty rows in CSV when reading

Trying to read a CSV file that has empty rows (usually at the end) using CsvHelper.GetRecords<T>(). Without the empty rows this works a treat. However i

Python pyinstaller create exe with fixed args

How can i set fixed args when converting py to exe? I'm using PyInstaller library on python. For example when Flask page requested i'll call PyInstaller for cre

Any workaround to this Firefox bug? SVGElement.getScreenCTM incorrect when parent element has a transform

The Firefox bug in question is It's a long-standing issue whereby the getScreenCTM method of an SVG element

Disabling SMPP dleivery messages on SNS Original Number for 2 way chat sms

I had used amazon pinpoint and enable two way sms I had used amazon lex for chat I had lambda which trigger with SNS and it will send store message to dynamoDB

web3.exceptions.ValidationError: with tuple[], address, bytes

Getting the following validation error and could not point to why Could not identify the intended function with name `z`, positional argument(s) of type `(<c

Any alternate way to execute the program faster

n,k,m=map(int,input().split()) s=input() while m>0: pre=len(s) for i in s: s+=str(int(i)*k) s=s[pre:] m-=1 print(len(s)) Aim is to d

MPI_Init_thread function was called before MPI_Init was invoked

I need an MPI_Init_Thread call example in fortran. I tried it without MPI_Init before it and got the message:"MPI_Init_thread function was called before MPI_In