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Azure App Gateway Missing Forward Headers

I have setup an Azure App Gateway WAF v2 instance in front of my web api running on Azure App Service. In order to get this to work, I had to turn on th

How to purge zookeeper logs with PurgeTxnLog?

Zookeeper's rapidly pooping its internal binary files all over our production environment. According to:

snap remove says vscode is not installed

i want do remove vscode (because vscode will not start. no error message). i found it in snap list, but it will not remove: $ snap list | grep code code

Not asking for camera permission when calling requestAccessForMediaType using Python and PyInstaller

I am trying to bundle a python app on macOS and this app needs access to the camera. I use PyInstaller to package my app to work on OSX Mojave. To give access t

Unable to run commands in computer command line with python

Before I get into the issue, I understand that os is not considered to be the ideal way of running shell commands, but subprocess is having the same issues. I a

Why is destructor never called?

From what I understand the destructor is called when a class instance goes out of scope and the garbage collector makes a pass. In the code below the destructor

Save tf model in colab to drive

I have trained a tensorflow model for chatbot using Transformers in colab and now I am trying to save the model. I have mounted the drive and tried saving the m

How to consume graphql subscriptions with flutter?

I am using the flutter_graphql plugin and it is working fine for queries and mutations but I am facing the problem with subscriptions. Following is the code th