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jump link in iframe from reveal js

I would like this to be integrated into my internal page via iframe in revealjs <section id="xx" data-background-iframe="xx.html" data-background-interactive

Cyclomatic Complexity fundamental paths

The number of fundamental paths (cyclomatic complexity) does not depend on whether the nodes of the control flow graph are independent expressions or fundamenta

Using radio button selections for a plot in Shiny

I'm attempting to make a widget on Shiny where two axes are selected to make a plot. My first thought was to make a data frame and radio buttons that select col

Snowflake query unable to display underscore in alias name

So I was writing a Snowflake query select col1, col2 as col_2 from table; In the resultant table, the alias 'col_2' comes as 'col 2', i.e without underscore.

ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView

I am trying to open a webview inside my fragment. But I am getting the error ContentCatcher: Failed to notify a WebView. Below is the code for my onCreateView

Conditional Delivery Notice based on Time and Date in Woocommerce

I am trying to get a message together that will display a shipping notice depending on what time it is monday to thursday and friday to sunday. If the customer

How can I turn off TinyMCE deprecated messages

I have installed TinyMCE Version: 5.10.3 (2022-02-09) this is the code: tinymce.init({ selector: 'textarea.redactor-editor', plug

Flutter animated icon AnimationController

So I got two pages: The first page is my HomePage from where I can access my second page via a button. The second page is where I put an animated Icon inside. I

Absolute Positioning Image Icons in java swing

So I am trying to write for my project essentially a pokemon battle between 3 different pokemon using java swing. However the part which is stalling me is the a