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How to detect the number of grouped data based on their frequency

I have a vector of numbers x <- c(1,1,1,3,3,3,2,2,1,2,1,2,55,56,55,54,55,54,53,55,56,55,7,7,9,9,8,8,11,110,111,11,112,113,111,112,33) if I plot x, hist(x)

mongodb command very slow

I have 3 documents like this: { _id: ObjectId("..."), _details: { _session: ObjectId("example_1"), }, { _id: ObjectId("..."), _details: { _session: Obje

Flutter Firestore Query Error Occurred While Parsing Query Arguments

I have an existing iOS and Android app which I have added Flutter to. Everything is working as intended. I am able to initialize Firebase and log in anonymously

js class static method refer to self (like self in php)

Is there a way to refer to the class that a static method is included in without explicitly specifiying the class again. So instead of this: class User { s

call access 97 (32 bit) from a 64 bit .net application

I have a windows (.NET) application and a web (.NET) application developed in Visual Studio 2019. I have recently updated the 2 applications to 64 bit. All fine

Spring data reactive cassandra: limit concurrent threads

I want to limit concurrent threads when some operation in cassandra is being performed. It could be limited with direct use of cassandraTemplate like this: publ

Ping a site in Python?

How do I ping a website or IP address with Python?

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment (Python)

So this is what I'm trying to do: input: ABCDEFG Desired output: ***DEFG A***EFG AB***FG ABC***G ABCD*** and this is the code I wrote: def loop(input): out

Embed reaction role collector is not working

I'm running into this issue where the embed reaction role doesn't work. Can someone help me? Its most likely just the collector bit. let playingMessage = await