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Problem to configure Hydrogen package in Atom editor

when i try to run the code in atom, it returns me the following error: (1)No Kernel installed (2)No kernel for grammar Python found I have Windows distribution

Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘itemFrequencyPlot’ for signature ‘"data.frame"’

I cannot understand the reason but when I try to run this code, it gives me an error. Do you know what can be the reason? library(arules) library(arulesViz) lib

Using dotPeek, I would like to see the full structure of the UnityEngine namespace

When wondering how the source code of the .NET API is implemented, I check the mscorlib of dotPeek. I recently started studying Unity, and I'm curious about the

Azure Application Insights IPv6 only Pingtest

I have a self hosted website which is only available over IPv6. I wanted to create a ping test in Application Insights to get notified if the website goes offli

Changing GitHub noreply email for commits, after GitHub username change

I changed my username on GitHub a few months ago (I'm a self-taught student dev and I wanted to use my real name instead of a nickname, in order for my profile

infinite loop on Dart

Is there still a bug in this code that can cause an infinite loop? Please explain if there is, Thank you String username; bool notValid = false; do { stdout.wr

Azure Data Factory Expression to Check if Property is Defined

I am working with JSON structured data in ADF and trying to implement an IF condition where, if a property is defined in JSON, I will execute one path, another

Safely ignoring unknown ANSI, ESC/P, ESC/POS sequences, know the length

Some context first: I'm making a device which transforms an electronic typewriter into a serial printer/terminal. (don't ask why; I know that this does not make

Hash in Laravel

there. I'm preparing a Laravel test, and there's a question that I think is not correct. When you should use a hash? The available answers are: When you want to

This is a Roman numeral to integer program, but the output is not what i was expecting

I expect 1994 as output, but i get 1014 when the input is MCMXCIV. Can you please give suggestions where my code went wrong. im a beginner to python, Thank you.