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Which openssl keypair gen command produces a password-less private key that I can read in Java 17?

Burned better part of a day on this. Google says use PKCS#8 format for the private key, so I issued command (alpine openssl 1.1.1o) $ openssl genpkey -out my.p

test-kitchen command not found

I'm trying to test chef recipe locally using test kitchen docker, I installed chef workstation, chef, and test kitchen but kitchen still complaints "Kitchen not

Send and detect message using cdma

Suppose three devices A, B and C in a CDMA network with the following 8-bit orthogonal codes: A = 10101010 B = 11001100 C = 10010110 The transmission power of B

Scala - Return value from an anonymous function

I've a named function that as an Either[A, List[B]] as return type. Inside that named function, I have a anonymous function that I'd like to make it return a va

Docker-compose - Nodejs can not find Mongo service when bind mount

Here is my docker-compose.yml, when I comment the volumes code of "khaothi-manager" my services work correctly. But when uncomment it, my Node service throw an

PHP error : HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request

I call an API url with file_get_contents like this $options_access_token = array( 'http'=>array( 'ignore_errors' => true

Differentiate between required and optional flags in help message in Cobra

I have created a command as follows: cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "get", Short: "Gets information", Long: heredoc.Doc("Long descri

How to set default checked radio button in nopcommerce 4.3

I want to check bydefault one radiobutton from three option in nopcommerce 4.3 Here is my code, <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="raw">