This is my pojo class. public class Payload { private Clob paylaod; public Clob getPaylaod() { return paylaod; } public void setPaylaod(Clob paylaod) {
I have a spark and airflow cluster which is built with docker swarm. Airflow container cannot contain spark-submit as I expect. I am using following images whi
Trying to run the following Flutter code in android Studio Link to code on github Got the following error: https://ww
I'm using gstreamer to make a picture-in-picture composition of two rtmp inputs into an rtmp output. I've managed to create a pipeline that works very well when
I have a dataset where I have first order date mentioned in column, and I want to find difference between the current date and first order date. I want the date
let's say I have two DataFrames on Spark firstdf = sqlContext.createDataFrame([{'firstdf-id':1,'firstdf-column1':2,'firstdf-column2':3,'firstdf-column3':4}, \