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AWS: Why does my RDS instance keep starting after I turned it off?

I have an RDS database instance on AWS and have turned it off for now. However, every few days it starts up on its own. I don't have any other services runnin

Django is trying to authenticate Wrong user for AWS RDS and failing

I am hosting a postgresql database on AWS using the RDS service. I am trying to connect the django project to the aws database using the file in the

Java Version check in Command Prompt [duplicate]

I am using a 32 bit windows 7 OS and I have installed JDK 8 as it was the only available JDK version for a 32 bit system. I have also given th

How to access a private service in Symfony 5.3 phpunit tests?

I want to define a functional testcase for my phpunit-tests for my Symfony 5.3 application which requires the private service security.password_hasher from the

Handling 413 (Request Entity Too Large) error with try/catch

I am trying to figure out how to handle 413 error when uploading files, to show the user that the file they are trying to upload is too large. I am uploading th

Distributing an Electron app on Windows, Mac and Linux

I've spend my weekend experimenting with Electron and this caused a few questions and dilemmas in my head. I cloned the following Github repository to test wit

Extract text from HTML string using jinja2

I'm extracting a JSON object like this: <td>{{item.description}}</td> However, what I get is an HTML string like this <div><p>Calibrat

build fastify-swagger scheme for multiple response data with a single 200 code

I use fastify-swagger ( for my fastify server. I also use the JSEND ( standard,