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Build List with Attached Items

My cells look like this: I want them to look like this with spacing between cells that need it to accommodate the repairs that were completed: If there is any

String Array on ESP32

I need to implement a string array, like: String[] txt = {"some text1", "some text2", "some text3", "some text4"}; The standard char[] doesn't suit me. How can

PyQt QTcpServer: How to return data to multiple clients?

I am looking to create a QTcpServer using PyQt that can simultaneously return data to 2 or more clients. I assume that this will require threading. Using the t

Download files by chunks in multiple threads in Go

I need to download files, chunk by chunk in multiple threads. For example, I have 1k files, each file ~100Mb-1Gb and I can download these files only by chunks 4

Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'.One or more issues found when checking AAR

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. > A failure occurred while executing com

ENTRYPOINT just refuses to exec or even shell run

This is my 3rd day of tear-your-hair-out since the weekend and I just cannot get ENTRYPOINT to work via gitlab runner 13.3.1, this for something that previously

Hide HTML form legend using CSS

How can I hide an HTML form legend from visual browsers, using CSS, in an accessible way? legend { display: none; } is not an option because, as I understand