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ios What is the difference between objc_getClass and objc_lookUpClass

Apple’s explanation is objc_getClass is different from objc_lookUpClass in that if the class is not registered, objc_getClass calls the class handle

Web Api Return File with additional data

I'm returning a file as follows: public async Task<IActionResult> GetFile(string id) { try { Get

Only send values that have changed in formik onSubmit

I have a small table of data that is pre-filled by an api call on page load. Each row in the table has a facility name and an Enabled value which comes from the

Why stream created with Spliterators is not being processed in parallel?

This is probably very basic, but I am not a Java person. Here is my processing code which simply prints and sleeps: private static void myProcessings(int va

oracle, How to exclude certain table from unified Audit policy

I have Oracle unified audit policy for developers: CREATE AUDIT POLICY dev_dml_audit_policy ACTIONS DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE WHEN 'SYS_CONTEXT(''U

PyMC3 fitting quadratic line to data

How do you choose quadratic model parameters? This is what I've got so far .. with pm.Model() as quad_model: #I'd like to add sigmas (and mu if that's reasonabl

Spring Boot REST API returns date in milliseconds

In my project setup, I've created sample API's and returns current date. But it returns milliseconds. What is the problem in serialise java object to json.? Her

Executing Nexmark benchmark suite on Google Dataflow

I am attempting to run the Nexmark benchmark suite on Google Dataflow, I read the documentation and I think I know the general setup. However, one thing missing

Using MSAL to obtain tokens for MS Graph without overriding custom app authentication

I'm building a .NET 6 ASP.NET app that has custom authentication. I need to call MS Graph APIs on behalf of my users and I want to use MSAL for that. Unfortunat