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How to make an opaque background?

So basically I am trying to create a container which is just slightly opaque. I am use the .withOpacity(...); method however I am not getting the exact look I w

WIN32 CPP Creating a window 400 x 400 creates a window smaller

RECT WindowMainRect{ 0, 0, 400, 400 }; HWND WindowMain; HWND WindowChild; INT main() { AdjustWindowRectEx(&WindowMainRect, WS_SYSMENU, FALSE, 0); WN

Gravity Form Field Focus

I want to to add focus on the first field of my gravity form my form if is 39 and the first field id is 1 can someone can tell me how can I achieve this and wh

Django "fields" attribute of user forms (UserCreationForm and UserChangeForm)

According to Django docs: It is strongly recommended that you explicitly set all fields that should be edited in the form using the fields attribute. I have a

Copy files from one folder to another automatically by today's date

I need to make a program in Visual Studio that copy files from one folder to another automatically by today's date. I've this code right here that a friends giv

Counting number of vertical bars | in pandas string has strange behaviour?

I want to count the number of instances of vertical bars "|" in a each row of a particular column in a pandas dataframe. But using str.count("|") yields some st

How to avoid file overwrites when multiple ECS tasks mount the same EFS

This is a typical auto-scale configuration for AWS ECS (Fargate): A docker image with our JavaEE app deployed on an application server, producing a couple of lo

Target class controller [controllerName] not found in Laravel 8

When I hit my register route using Postman, it gave me the following error: My api.php route: Route::get('register', 'Api\RegisterController@register'); Here i

Axios POST Error: Request failed with status code 419

I am trying to make a post request with Axios + Laravel 7. And I got this error message: Error: Request failed with status code 419 My Javascrip code: axios.d