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Render error when using swr within react component

I am currently creating a blog and I am trying to add a viewcount to my blogposts. import { useEffect } from 'react' import useSWR from 'swr' const fetcher = (

Swiper JS infinite carousel shift

I wanted to make an endless carousel with swiper js on my site and it works, but when you look carefully, there is a small vibration between the slides, it seem

api versioning in wso2

In WSO2 API Manager v3.2.0 I published v1 of my api that has multiple paths. (example below is shortened, the API actually has 30 different paths). How do I pub

How do I avoid printing the numbers within the string of this file io program?

Here's my code: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string substring(string a, int b, int c) {

ReferenceError: Cannot access 'rootReducer' before initialization

I am using reduxjs toolkit, redux-persist and ducks architecture. So, I created store. Wrapped my App component into Provider and PersistGate, then I got this e

Why does the "next" not work here? I used the next key word to move on to the next word iteration but it seems to upcase all the characters

def wave(str) return [] if str.empty? str_size = str.size final_arr = [] str_size.times do final_arr << str end counter = 0 final_arr.e

import { Provider as AuthProvider } from "next-auth/client" doesnt work in _app.js

I am watching this video:, at the 39 min of the video you c

Why in Array sizeof(A[0]) and sizeof(A+0) are different?

I have started learning pointer in C++ and I solved a lot of problems with it but I can't solve this problem? Can anyone explain me this problem? Here is my tes

Generic typings for one property on an Interface in TypeScript

I'm trying to type a method, that is part of an interface and I need it to take a generic. Below is a simplified example of what I want. I want users of the API