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Ignore a folder in search results

I'm searching for a string and getting matches in a source folder, and a build folder (file in source gets copied to build during build). I do not need the bui

Unable to run gradle program in command line

gradle test Task :compileJava FAILED FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':compileJava'. Could not resolve al

How to get cart badge in kotlin fragment?

I have already created a custom layout for badge counter and on inflating menu my cart icon is not working my codes are below. cart Item Layout <FrameLayou

Trying to count distinct elements in sql with case when statement

Hey all second semester comp sci student here. I decided to get in a little over my head with this database project I created. The database works but we didn't

Struggling to access Spinner outside of my recycler view

I have tried two different ways to access my spinner. Without success thus far. I want to load the data for each driver as chosen. To give an idea of my app. C

5-Stage RISC - How are loads handled?

I'm working on a question on CPU Datapaths for 5-stage RISC and I think I'm misunderstanding how load instructions are handled. Given this datapath: Where MUX1

Include multiple features in bert4rec or similar transformer for recommendation systems

I have a dataset where I have items, users and list of items that each user likes. Now I would like to suggest a news items to the users. I would like to use be

There are no commands defined in the "setup" namespace : Magento 2

I have installed latest version of Megento 2, everything is working fine frontend, backend and functionality. I have one issue with bin/magento setup:upgrade

How can I fill a column with values that are computed between two dates in pandas, with a delay of one row, respecting certain conditions?

I have the following DataFrame: Date Distance Position TrainerID 2017-09-03 1000 2 6529 2017-09-03 1600 4 6529 2017-09-03 1200 3 6529 2017-09-06 1200 13 6529 2