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How to Check if Axios Call Fails due to No Internet Connection?

I'm trying to figure out an accurate way to detect axios call failure due to no internet connection. Does axios call failure return a specific response object

Issue generating swagger.json file when inheriting controller actions from a base controller

I am writing a web api in .net 6. The api has 32 controllers for getting lookup values from a database. I have a service layer that talks to the repository and

Is there a way to insert data into an sql table using spark jdbc WITHOUT inserting duplicates AND losing already existing data?

I'm trying to write a spark dataframe into a postgresql table by using df.write.jdbc. The problem is, I want to make sure to not lose existing data already insi

ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisAdminServlet

I am developing a web portal using tomcat 7 + ZK framework + axis2 for using web services. After a while I started getting this error : SEVERE: Servlet /twigo

Thread 1: Fatal error: Index out of range In SwiftUI

i am trying to make a small Social Media app. the friends and friendrequest gets stored as User in different arrays. But when i want to loop the array it an sho

Clickhouse toStartOfYear gives unexpected results with Date32

I am testing out clickhouse with a wine dataset, which has a column, VINTAGE, with dates ranging from 1925-01-01 to 2017-01-01. I've run into some strange behav

Docker: Set timeout and Exit with Error Code

How can make a Docker container exit with an error code after a timeout? I have a Dockerfile which uses the ubuntu image and copies the script file from my dire

How to avoid OpenSSL error using pyinstaller?

I was able to directly execute the python script in the environment. But after I compile the package using pyinstaller: pyinstaller --onefile When e

org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateConsumerException: Failed to create Consumer for endpoint: direct://validateFile

I'm getting Failed to create consumer endpoint issue, while asserting against the headers. Can someone help me on this ? I have this file watcher route which co

How to retrieve data from SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2008 R2 on static IP, in a secured manner to Power BI? [closed]

Situation My company software is running on SQL Server 2005 on Windows Server 2008 R2 with a static IP. Requirement I wanted to access data fo