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Getting Video Unavailable - When upload videos via api

From last couple of days, I am seeing video unavailable for all the videos uploaded to azure media portal via api, but if I upload the same videos from videoind

Replacing even array elements with zeros in assembler

There is the following problem: I have an array, it is necessary to give its size and then in this array for each element that has an even value, assign the va

How to convert Uint8List to Image Data Type

The below code is converting png image to Image DataType but it is not converting SVG image to Image DataType. var decodedImage = await decodeImageFromList(img.

Dynamic Web scraping using Selenium

I am trying to scrape the tables from the below dynamic webpage. I am using the below code to find the data in tables (they are under tag name tr). But I am get

This dependency was not found - Nuxt - Multiple entrypoint module

I have a module with multiple entrypoints. This is its package.json: { "name": "mymodule" "main": "dist/index.js", "exports": { ".": "./dist

Why are specific files not visible when using UIDocumentPickerViewController in Swift 5.0?

For my iPhone app I am working on a file upload in the background, with progress indicator, function. So I've placed multiple files in my simulator's directory.

How to implement a good __hash__ function in python [duplicate]

When implementing a class with multiple properties (like in the toy example below), what is the best way to handle hashing? I guess that the

Minimum between column value and global value in R

I would like to have the minimum value between a fixed value and a calculation from a column For example i have the following data : beta = data.frame(A = c(1,2

How do I generate sourcemaps when using babel and webpack?

I'm new to webpack, and I need a hand in setting up to generate sourcemaps. I'm running webpack serve from the command line, which compiles successfully. But I