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waitForObject returns the first object matching the pattern. Is there a way I can get list of all objects?

I need a list of all objects with same property/type. Is there a way or an API(just like waitForObject) where I give the type/property and get list of all objec

Daemon service not running until user keys in password during reboot on M1 machine

We have a daemon service that runs before the log-in window is thrown. It works fine on Intel. But it does not run until users key in their password when the lo

Is there a way in PHP to use null coalesing/nullsafe operators to default to not set any value?

I only see use cases were null coalesing can be used to chain values, but not to omit any value. Am I missing something essential or is there really no shorthan

Discord py slash commands register

I have slash commands. When I start the bot, Discord shows the commands in the integration, but they don't work. Why? from discord.ext import commands from disc

Filtering on related tables using Prisma and Postgres

I have a Prisma model for a Postgres database with a User that can belong to many Organisations, and organizations that can have many users. So I've created a t

How to change the text in the label in pagination?

I use Angular Material. How to change the text in the label in the pagination ? For label for the page size selector. I tried to do it but did not help: <

DNS propagation - why is a subdomain only accessible minutes after it's creation (own nameservers)

we have a question about the behavior of DNS propagation for subdomains. Here's the scenario we are trying to achieve: User1 registers at our site "

Overriding the table name in Flask-Alchemy

I am creating a Flask application and accessing the MySQL database using Flask-Alchemy. I have following Class to access a table: class price_table(db.Model):

Why user data is null in props in React Js?

I create multi step register that user create in first step and then send OTP code in last step user set username and password. In last step when I use props sh