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Code for Day of Week to repeat for each name

I have an Excel Table with several rows of data that get submitted by employees. One of the columns that I have is for the Day of the week which the employee ha

Grafana stacking multiple bars in bar chart by specific column

I have these bars with the query within the picture. SELECT area, SUM(case when report_date = '2022-04-18' then volume else 0 end ) AS "22-04-18 Volume"

multiple update pgsql using cursor

this code not error but nothing data change please help me. I want to multiple update quantity from some stock table drop FUNCTION SP_PROSES_STOCK(noresep bigi

Script to open terminal in Kali, create multiple new tabs, rename and colour code them

I need help creating a script, bash, python whichever works best within Kali linux. What I need the script to do is open up the default terminal (ZSH) create th

Satellite velocity from km/s to arcsec

I can't change the current satellite velocity from km/s units to arcsec units. This is a snippet of my code: from astropy import units as u def check_the_sate

Shiny: Update a reactive value with textInput() in modalDialog()

I Want to update a Value based on a textInput() within an modalDialog(). I found this answer which does work, but it uses reactiveValues() which creates problem

Facebook Login Using React

Using react i doing Facebook login.I am doing Facebook login for e-commerce website.So i created a facebook for my e-commerce and create an APP in facebook for

Several strange errors when building project using separate files C++

I'm able to build and run a particular project in Visual Studio when all of the code is in one main .cpp file, but when I separate the file into a class (.cpp a

Can you have the name of the arduino pre-defined in the system?

I was developing my project and I ran into a problem! I put my C# program so when a device is connected with the name arduino, the C# program automatically dete