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BertTokenizer error ValueError: Input nan is not valid. Should be a string, a list/tuple of strings or a list/tuple of integers

import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split # read text data df = pd.read_csv('E:/bert4keras-master/resume_data/111.txt', header=N

Chronicle Queue: What is the recommended way to multiplex producers to write into a single queue?

Let there be 5 producer threads, and 1 queue. It seems like I have 2 options: create an appender for each producer thread, append concurrently and let chronicle

Range as dictionary key in Python

So, I had an idea that I could use a range of numbers as a key for a single value in a dictionary. I wrote the code bellow, but I cannot get it to work. Is it

Retrieve List of Bluetooth Devices Using Python 3 and Terminal

When using the Linux terminal inside the Raspberry pi, i have to use only 3 commands to retrieve a list of Bluetooth capable devices in the area. These are the

How to make Mean curvature flow skeleton deterministic after every run?

When I run mean curvature flow skeletonization from cgal the resulting skeleton is always a bit different. I was wondering if there is a way to make the skeleto

I can't create a react app and I keep getting the same errors

I run the command, but I get the errors with stuff I don't understand. node -v is v16.14.0

SSR React APP with Static router on express

I am trying to SSR a react application made from scratch on an express server. I am using Static Router. The html loads into browser and routing works but css a

Replacement for obsolete Assembly.CodeBase in .NET 6 / .NET Core

We deploy a helper-executable along with our VSTO / Outlook AddIn via ClickOnce. In the AddIn, we have a button which starts this helper-executable in a new pro

How to use vertex dentifiers in Boost graph of size int64_t

I am trying to add edges to a Boost undirected graph using boost::add_edge(...). The graph is defined as: using osm_id_t = int64_t; typedef boost::adjacency_lis