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How to replace cpan Perl utility P5NCI with FFI:Platypus

Below is perl code which calls P5NCI::load_func to load function load_library having signature as int load_library(int dummy), hence third argument is passed as

How to deploy C# app(using without configuring python package environment?

I developed the app using c# and Now I wnat to deploy the app. However, I realized that I have to configure the same Python environment as the devel

"Exit code: 1" in anaconda navigator after reinstalling anaconda

After reinstalling Anaconda, I get the error message "Exit code: 1" when I start apps using the Anaconda Navigator. e.g. "jupyter notebook" or "CMD.exe" When I

Matlab Fvtool zero pole representation doesn't match that of zplane

So I have FIR filter coefficients in frequency domain (385 complex values). I took ifft of the transfer function and pass it through fvtool to see the zero pole

Pass variable throw closure

I have some async method of structure: impl ImageBot { pub async fn run(&self) { let bot_name = self.bot_name.clone(); let token = self

Trying to update data from firebase, using

I have a method to update the file location of particular object, the code for doing this is working fine public async void UpdateNoteFileLocationAsync(string I

How can I remove a specific item from an array?

How do I remove a specific value from an array? Something like: array.remove(value); // removes all elements with value I have to use core JavaScript. Framewo

How to make pass variables through CallActivity in Activiti correctly?

I'm calling sub process from main process. I'm using Alfresco Activiti 7.1.0.M3.1. Sub process starting without a problem, but when I'm trying to get variables

No module named 'airflow.providers.ssh' on AWS Airflow (Amazon MWAA)

I need to use sshoperator in a DAG on AWS Airflow (Amazon MWAA), so I imported the following library in my DAG file from airflow.contrib.operators.ssh_operator

Completing values from a sparse representation of data

I'm working on a financial system application, in Microsoft SQL Server, that requires calculating a rate for a given tenor (maturity in days) from yield curves