At least IE9 and IE10 have strange behaviour. I have four input fields and subscribe on their change events. I have logic which disables first input field insid
Desired Capabilities : "platformName": "ios", "appium:platformVersion": "15.4", "appium:deviceName": "iPhone 8", "appium:automationName": "XCUITest", "appium:ap
Does anyone know if it is possible to install pentane mondrian schema workbench on MacBook Pro m1?
I have var="a b c" for i in $var do p=`echo -e $p'\n'$i` done echo $p I want the last echo to print: a b c Notice that I want the variabl
I'm going to make a form in which the user can specify a fill time period (first date and second date, in the code). I use .... My problem is that if I select a
i asked before but got no answer, the only change I want in the treeview coding on the Vuejs official website, I want to apply it as a treeData Array. There is
I want to create a new Angular project using Tailwind CSS. My current CLI version is 10.1.1. Things I have done so far: Create a new app using ng new my-app Use
I'm trying to learn SQL and for that I've downloaded DataGrip to practise. But I can't create a database because I have no server connection. I don't want to co
Write a function find_negatives that takes a list l of numbers as an argument and returns a list of all negative numbers in l. If there are no