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How can i get Salesforce soql query results to a datatable?

I have a soql query: SELECT Amount, Id, Name, (SELECT Quantity, ListPrice, PriceBookEntry.UnitPrice, PricebookEntry.Name, PricebookEntry.product2.Family FROM

React Js and cypress coverage report

In my react js application i use cypress. Also i have in cypress folder components folder where i add all unit tests for my components. When i run cypress run-c

Read .csv file data and convert that data to json format row-wise

I am using the button to upload .csv file. After uploading I want that data in JSON format. For that, I was trying to print .csv file data in the console. I wan

How can I resolve : org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Multiple streaming aggregations are not supported with streaming DataFrames/Datasets

py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o170.start. : org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Multiple streaming aggregations are not suppo

PowerBI - increase/decrease by one if condition is met

My initial table looks as follows: Time-ID Status Product 1 start a 2 end a 3 start b 4 start b 5 end b 6 end b 7 start a 8 start b 9 end a 10 start a 11 end b

How to make Nuxt.js generate static files from external files(pdf, doc, etc.) coming from a server?

I'm using Nuxt.js to generate full static site(target: static). It makes all API calls static(no more API calls to the server) and thats awesome. But I have lin

Split a generator into chunks without pre-walking it

(This question is related to this one and this one, but those are pre-walking the generator, which is exactly what I want to avoid) I would like to split a gen

Create .env file with shell script - how to wrap value in commas?

I am currently using the following to make a .env to help me with with my environment variables when using docker > supervisor > cron. printenv > /var/

How to install libappindicator1 on Python of Docker image?

I'd like to install goole chrome on Python of Docker image. So, I need install libappindicator1. However when I build this Dockerfile, I got error on libappin