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System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityException: 'The underlying provider failed on Open.' Error?

I'm working on creating a point-of-sale system using an MVC model in C# and SQL Server, but I seem to be having some kind of issue connecting to the database. W

How to create a meeting using the zoom api

I'm looking at the zoom api documentation. I created an app that allows patients to set up appointments with doctors. Everything is virtual. I need to setup tim

How to get all paths of files from directory with bash? [duplicate]

for example I have: test-folder --a-folder --a.file --b-folder --b.file --c.file I need to put "test-folder

How to start Kivy and start coding

I successfully installed Kivy under Ubuntu: pip install kivy[full] kivy-examples Now, what command to use to start Kivy and get on with the coding? There is no

Why while running the program I am getting object not callable

class College(): def __init__(self,name): = name def name(self): print( a = College("IIT") a.

Hibernate.cfg.xml not found after deploy the web app to heroku

After deploying a web application with maven to heroku cloud, I get log error: app[web.1]: org.hibernate.HibernateException: hibernate.cfg.xml not found.

Error where laravel connect to google drive folder

Google\Service\Exception { "error": { "errors": [ { "domain": "usageLimits", "reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg", "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Us

How to access windows shared folder on android in c# unity

I have unity project where you need to get file contents of windows shared folder. I checked and in windows it's working perfectly but when it comes to android,