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Docker for Windows cleanup

I'm using docker for Windows to launch a MSSQL server. Everything is working fine except for the fact that my harddrive is now full. I've used all the cleanup c

How to load videos from Firebase Storage and return them as React component?

I have a video stored in my firebase storage and and I'm able to access it's download URL from firebase and trying to do this: const App = () => { var vide

CMake error in FindTerminfo with clang-15 on MacOS

I'm using llvm in my project and find it with cmake's find_package(LLVM REQUIRED CONFIG). Configuration fails with message: [cmake] CMake Error at /Applications

compare the character in 2 strings taking into account the position

I am coding for a game similar to wordle I need to compare 2 strings If the character and position is the same to return - If the character in guess is in the a

How to give shadow with cornerRadius to a Button inside ScrollView and HStack in SwiftUI

I'm trying to give a shadow to Button using following code. VStack{ HStack(){ Text("Menu") .font(

Docker Commit on a existing image

docker commit creates a new image every time the commit command is issued. Is it possible to issue commit on currently running container and the changes get sav

Redirecting to wrong URL with Question Mark (Dreamhost)

Assume: Capital = Small = Wrong =

How can I compare integer elements of an array in express validator?

I have an express validator for a 2-length integer array that looks like this. exports.createItem = check("times").exists() .withMessage('MISSING'