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How to deserialize array in the xml to different object types without type attribute?

Xml example: <Profile> <ProfileSections> <ProfileSection Name="Default"> <Email>[email protected]</Email> <Paswor

R TraMinerR - why is seqformat throwing error?

I'm very new to TraMineR, but am trying to examine sequences of modes that patients used for clinical visits over time. My data looks like this after setting it

Fitting multiple Lorentzians to Brillouin Spectrum using Scipy in Python 3

I am trying to fit Brillouin Spectra (with several peaks) using scipy.optimize.curve_fit. I have have multiple spectra with several peaks and I am trying to fi

Full Size iframe in smarty

I have this embedded html iframe code <iframe title="Sales-AdventureWork - Page 5" width="110%" height="100%" src="

R Shiny: side by side verbatimTextoutput()

I have library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( # App title ---- titlePanel("Interactive CLicks"), br(), fluidRow( br(), plotOutput(outputId =

OpenGL Alpha Channel not affective

Trying to make objects that fade over time in openGL. I am doing this by decreasing the value of the Alpha in the color I am using to draw the object. But this

pyspark dataframe to valid json

Im trying to convert a dataframe to a valid json format, howeever I have not succeeded yet. if I do like this: fullDataset.repartition(1).write.json(f'{mount_po