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add " characters in write function python

I have a code that emits this output file.write(row['time'] + "{application=" + row['application'] + ",runtime=" + str(row['runtime']) + "} " + row['value'] + "

How do I actually catch an exception triggered by an NGXS dispatch?

Our project has a system that displays an error modal to the user if an unhandled exception makes its way to the root. (If it matters, this sits in providers: [

What is the correct way of loading NumPy images from npy file into a PyTorch tensor?

The following code loads a bunch of images (the Kaggle cats and dogs dataset) and stores those into a npy file. The file can then be loaded for further processi

I load the full jQuery library, but I only use Ajax and selectors. Better shorter code?

I created a star-rating voting system based in jQuery, I load the full jQuery JS library, but I found that I only two features of it: the simple Ajax method: $

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method

Building a multi-language application in Java. Getting an error when inserting String value from R.string resource XML file: public static final String TTT =

Boto3 S3 error - AccessDenied when calling the PutObjectAcl

Trying to generate a publicly-accessible URL for a file that was uploaded into an S3 bucket using the following code: client = boto3.client('s3', config=botoco

How to parse dot operator in language syntax?

Let's say I'm writing a parser that parses the following syntax: = 5; The grammar rules look something like this: program: one or more statement

Running Quart and Telethon with multiple clients (sessions)

I'm trying to run Quart+Telethon with multiple clients. This example shows one global client. I have this working. Now I need my app to handle multiple users si

Multiple mat-icon registry in Angular 7

When I tried Multiple icons, icon which I given First in <mat-icon> tag is repeating for all mat-icon tag. constructor(private matIconRegistry: MatIconReg