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How to test chrome extensions?

Is there a good way to do this? I'm writing an extension that interacts with a website as a content script and saves data using localstorage. Are there any tool

Android Studio: Timber: automatically add the function name

Does anyone know a trick to include the function name in a Timber text/tag without actually having to type it? Here's what I do and I figured I might as well as

Flask - Jquery Load Images from Database

I have all my image path stored in Database In the Database it is stored as "templates/assets/userdata/visitorimages/4f686593-2c5a-4d9c-b3d9-ad389b3df690.jpg" M

How can I make a variable an index in lists (python)

I am a complete beginner at coding, but I am trying to write a program that helps me make my keylogger data better readable. I have a keylogger on my device bec

How can i get pdf version of webpage if NSExtensionJavaScriptPreprocessingFile is set?

I am making a Share extension for all possible types. Now I am stuck with sharing from Safari. I'm using "NSExtensionJavaScriptPreprocessingFile" to get title,

How Do I set different log levels for different situations?

I did a lot of searching and checking to see if anyone had gone through something similar, but apparently not. My situation currently revolves around the fact t

Validate Google JWT with .NET Core 6 - Always ending up with a 401

My ASP.NET Core WebApi (.NET 6) should authenticate incoming requests using a JWT in their Bearer header. JWTs are being issued by Google, so in Program.cs I ha

Find the largest Pair in an integer

I'm playing around with numbers, and I'm looking to write a small program that will return the largest double-digit of an integer that's passed in for example: