I have the following code: install.packages("microbenchmark") install.packages("readxl") install.packages("data.table") I would like to create a vector of a va
I am trying to fetch 2 rows of each category from a single table where I have category also mentioned. When I try to fetch data using GROUP BY Clause, I am able
I am working on a music player program, i wanted to show the song default image while playing it, so how can I add and show it in a Tkinter window. this what i
A dictionary that has a key, the value it is a object of class with attributes dic = { 1:Person("John, Greenberg", 3), 2:Person("Thomas, San", 5),
I create a telegram bot, which collects user info into gSheets. I want to create a filter. If the user wrote less than 10 symbols, bot says that this is not eno
I have a df named df_log shown below. It is a log of the original df: Revenue Date 2020-01-06 6.027700 2020-01-07 5.883267 2020-01-09 10.034
I am working on a Spark Structure Streaming pipeline that reads in 20,000 rows of data every five minutes or so. The vast majority of this data is 'duplicate',
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from compare_plots import compare_plots def make_plot(filename,totals): dict = {2 : 0, 3 : 0, 4 : 0, 5 :