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Turning code (instead of data) into a vector

I have the following code: install.packages("microbenchmark") install.packages("readxl") install.packages("data.table") I would like to create a vector of a va

Fetch category wise data from database table with limit

I am trying to fetch 2 rows of each category from a single table where I have category also mentioned. When I try to fetch data using GROUP BY Clause, I am able

how can i show the front cover image of an audio file

I am working on a music player program, i wanted to show the song default image while playing it, so how can I add and show it in a Tkinter window. this what i

Sort the dictonary of objects by the attribute of the obejct

A dictionary that has a key, the value it is a object of class with attributes dic = { 1:Person("John, Greenberg", 3), 2:Person("Thomas, San", 5),

Text length filter Google Apps Script

I create a telegram bot, which collects user info into gSheets. I want to create a filter. If the user wrote less than 10 symbols, bot says that this is not eno

Find and replace "-inf" in pandas dataframe

I have a df named df_log shown below. It is a log of the original df: Revenue Date 2020-01-06 6.027700 2020-01-07 5.883267 2020-01-09 10.034

How to take only first instance of data in Spark Structured Streaming according to multiple fields?

I am working on a Spark Structure Streaming pipeline that reads in 20,000 rows of data every five minutes or so. The vast majority of this data is 'duplicate',

matplotlib: AttributeError: 'Figure' object has no attribute 'write'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from compare_plots import compare_plots def make_plot(filename,totals): dict = {2 : 0, 3 : 0, 4 : 0, 5 :