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How to use ServerXMLHTTP60 and a client SSL certificate in Excel using VBA?

I cannot get it to work in VBA - Excel. I use the same header and XML-body in Postman - fine! Good response. I need to use a client certificate to identify myse

Using the variable "name" doesn't work with a JS object

The behaviour can be seen in this little snippet (execute it as a global script): var name = {}; name.FirstName = 'Tom'; alert(name.FirstName); The alert yie

Python multiprocessing gives slower speed as more cores are used

I'm using Python Multiprocessing module to diagonalize a (large and sparse) matrix multiple times. I have to do this for a thousand times, so decided to do it i

Edit the plotly hovertemplate by adding a new row

I have the data.frame below and I have created a grouped bar chart. I'd like to edit the hover text by adding a new row after Department which will be named Dep

Python script on MacOS - Unix executable works, exectuable (.app) doesn't (using py2app)

My code seems to somewhat be working when I run it via the Unix executable but whenever I run it with the .app after compiling it with py2app, I get the usual M

Steps or Procedure to create and authenticate web SDK

I tried searching in various places, googling about how I can create and authenticate an SDK which I can use as a starting point. Here is what I am trying to ac

How to do group by in C# list on two properties

how to write group by on two properties in c# list. I am having the list like this. in the attached image, I am having data on one list and expect the result a