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Editorjs custom block renders twice on click when made as default block in react project

I followed this tutorial to integrate editorjs in react and create a custom editorjs plugin. This tutorial works fine to create a custom block but I wanted to m

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package despite having

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When to use decode_raw with FixedLenFeature?

I'm pretty confused at the way TFRecord decoding and encoding work, specifically encoding using tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(...)) and then su

How to avoid "keras_learning_phase" being added to model when revising?

I'm making a small program to convert model from .h5/.hdf5 to .pb. (With changing it's input layer from its original shape to [None, None, c]) ((c's value is sa

async call in async void EventHandler leads to a deadlock

Is there a way to call SendAsync in OnConnect without leading to a deadlock? I'm not using .Wait or .Result and it still leads to a deadlock. Edit: The actual p

prolog empty list error when reversing a list

First of all I'm very new to Prolog and just trying to understand the very basics. I have to work a simple function that concatenes two lists and a function tha

Getting error when trying to pull data from firebase collection REACT: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')

trying to import data from firebase, however i get thrown this error back:REACT: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map'). Making a projec

Kafka consuming offset from compacted topic issue

I'm using Kafka in order to save logs and rebuild the system in case of a crash. The problem is when a topic is compacted consumer doesn't start from offset 0.

Disabling PyQt5 window shadow

There is a very annoying kind of shadow/frame over my PyQt5 window. The window is made as a custom class: class CustomWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self

Render column data lists as table with pandas

I need to scrape a website which has a 'table' like paragraph and I want to put it as a DataFrame on python. I need to get the Name, Price and the description o