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GPU-accelerated video processing with ffmpeg

I want to use ffmpeg to accelerate video encode and decode with an NVIDIA GPU. From NVIDIA's website: NVIDIA GPUs contain one or more hardware-based decod

typo3 extend backend module templateRootPaths

I want to extend the redirects-Modul within my extension, especially the template path, but it's not working: module.tx_redirects { view { templateR

How to check and load only visible components in react native and load remaining page in the background?

So I want to load a page that is content driven from CMS (I cannot use WebView) Page rendering is taking time so want to only render visible things on screen fi

C# script to load data into SQL Server database doesn't work as expected

I am trying to query the APIs and insert the responses from it in to the SQL Server table using the script task. The script task is behaving in consistent that

UISearchBar not working or disabled after adding Tab Bar or Navigation Controller

I implemented a search bar to filter the result. It was working perfectly but then when I embedded this View Controller with a Navigation Controller, which is a

reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element

I have a simple contact form built with ASP .Net using the updatepanel. Everything works as expected but i see the error recaptcha__en.js: Uncaught Error: reCA

Django: How do I check if a User has already read/seen an article?

I am building a web-application for my senior design project with Python and Django. I have a user model that is able to read/write articles to display on the w

Use poetry to create templated Python projects

Having struggled with Python package management, I have come to like Poetry. I am (mostly) able to use it without issues and installing packages is working well