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pyscreenshot module not working on run, PIL module not existing [duplicate]

I've imported the pyscreenshot module, but when I run code with it, it gives me this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "myfilep

how to convert bool array in one byte and later convert back in bool array

I would like to pack bool array with max length 8 in one byte, send it over network and then unpack it back to bool array. Tried some solutions here already but

Reactive Form patchpatch value error when no value provided

I got this problem that I don't get it. I have a formGroup with few controls, here is a simplified code: .ts form = new FormGroup({ firstName: new FormContro

VSCode Remote WSL Downloading Server Every Time

Every time I open Remote WSL, it downloads server. Even after download is completed, when I open VSCode and Remote WSL again, it starts downloading again. How

Android Studio automatically connect to Windows Subsystem for Android

As answered here, it's already possible to connect Android Studio to WSA. But, after you restart Android Studio, it disconnects the Android Debug Bridge and you

Sapper - inserting table data in index.svelte

I would like to put the data from the database calendar table on the home page using Sapper, but I get an error: 500 Cannot read properties of undefined (readi

VBA If range [J:K] not empty, then copy [H:I] to the end of [J:K], else offset

I have two ranges, [H23:I32] and [J23:K50]. I need to copy values from [H23:I32] to [J23:K50] if [J23:K50] is empty, and if [J23:K50] is not empty I need to fin

Redhat Linux Network Interface Autostart

We have a PostgreSQL cluster with 2 instances, one of them primary and other one is primary. Both of them are running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (O

How to make an SOLR replica with a specific query

We have very big SOLR searchContexts and have the need to daily do lots of searches on them. The idea is to send out the search results with the newly added doc