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Get min and max value in PHP Array

I have an array like this: array (0 => array ( 'id' => '20110209172713', 'Date' => '2011-02-09', 'Weight' => '200', ), 1 =>

Pandas datafram fillna setting value based on datatype

I have a pandas dataframe that has data extract from a table. The table can be any given table from the database. The table may have unknown number of columns a

python unittest patch works with 3.8 but not with python 3.7

I have a class in class Class(): def foo(self): return "not bar" I am patching an object in my unittest like this: from unittest.mock import patch

Slurm jobs not utilizing 100% CPU in parallelisation

I'm running an Abaqus job through Slurm with 23 tasks per cpu and 23 cpus with MPI. Using --ntasks=23 The program will after initialization launch 23 processes.

Live search in a select bootstrap 5

Hello I have a select in bootstrap 5 with this code <div class="form-outline mb-4"> <select class="btn btn-

How to implement multiple filtering on RecyclerView based android app?

Currently, I have developed an Activity to show list of data using RecyclerView with searching feature (as seen at image_1). I want to add filtering option to

Failed to execute 'appendBuffer' on 'SourceBuffer'

We are using VideoJs (6.9.0) to create and HTML5 Web App to be used on SmartTVs. We are noticing that some of the TVs are reporting the following error: Failed

Passport JS OAuth2Strategy does't fire callback

After updating my dependencies at service I'm creating I faced the issue that my Passport JS strategy, used along with OAuth2Strategy stoped working properly. H