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Laravel: HTML in notification

I'm using the default notification system (Laravel 5.3) to send an email. I want to add HTML tags in message. This does not work (it displays the strong tags in

What is the point of the slice.indices method?

What is the point of the slice.indices method, since we have the following equality? s = slice(start, stop, step) assert range(*s.indices(length)) == range(leng

Binding HttpListener to https on specific port in Linux/Ubuntu

I have created a HttpListener in .netcore to listen on a specific port for incoming requests, I need to bind an ssl cert to the port 8202 on Ubuntu (version 18.

How do I send a signal to ELSA workflow using C#, SendSignal and SignalReceived activities?

I'd like to send a signal from my C# API code, probably using the SendSignal activity to a workflow that will receive that signal using the SignalReceived activ

How to write unit test with jest for function that run command with spawn module And it has no return?

For example I have function like this: const interfaceAddAddress = (tag, ip) => { spawn('bash', ['-c', `ip addr add ${ip} dev ${tag}`]); }; How to writ

How to set elevation of parent view taking into consideration all its children?

I have RelativeLayout parent, which has 2 children horizontally positioned next to each other. First children is LinearLayout has custom background shape and so

Kubernetes readinessProbe initialDelaySeconds Doesn't working

I try to tell to K8s that my Pod is ready by the time there is a connection to MongoDB and Redis and an Express server is on. I have configured: initialDelaySec