I need to make for different slides different animations. I tried to dynamically substitute the value of the effect like this: return ( <Swiper autopl
I am using React-Native (v 0.66.3) TextInput to Android to set numeric values, but I would like to find a way to remove the dot button and to have a more accura
here is my buildspec.yml version: 0.2 phases: install: runtime-versions: php: 7.4 nodejs: 14.x commands: - apt-get updat
I've been trying to debug why the last_updated field in several of my models wasn't being updated when doing eg model.objects.filter(**lookups).update(**default
I'm running Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 17.10, with osgeo v2.2.1 installed via apt. My code loads osgeo and 1) tries to create a shapefile with 1 layer and 1 field, 2
I am trying to approximate a image with a b-spline surface. The geomdl library has a function called "approximate_surface" to do this. When I use this with an i
I would like to call the method of an instance of AuthActivity from MainActivity. However, I get an error. AuthActivity contains a variable that lets you know i
I have seen this way of using combination of strings in printf and scanf statements. int a; printf("Printing" "using" "multiple" "strings" "%d