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Attempt to read property "degree" on null

i have created a profile where users can add their education fields. when there is no value in the database it throws an error. how can i get rid of this ? Atte

How to render conditionally depending on which button is clicked?

I'm new to ReactJS and I want to have a conditional rendering like the code below I read the doc but I was a bit confused. Do I have to handle true/false for ea

How do I make a simple login system using php? [closed]

I got a task to make a login system using php, specifically one that hashes the password into a .txt file (this isnt how you're suppose to ik

AWS Terraform: Filter specific subnets by matching substring in tag name

I have 6 subnets, I want to filter 3 subnets from them matching substring internal and use in rds. Tag name has internal word and want to filter based on that.

Not all instances of Excel application closing after running code

This is the code, I have seen in several other places to close instances of the objects with Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(...) This method is called everytime

How to validate Hangouts Chat webhook token in C#

I am working on a pretty simple chat bot with an ASP.NET webhook to process responses. I am not having any issues sending or receiving messages, but I am a litt

" ValueError: pyarrow.lib.Codec size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. "

I've been using ColabPro to run some Machine Learning models for a few weeks now, and suddenly, today I've come across an error that has persisted, even without