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Await is not as i expected in if else statements [duplicate]

let metadata = []; (e) => { if (e.metadata) { metadata.push(JSON.parse(e.metadata).attributes);

how to make search box on the admin change list page make a search over phone_number field in User model

I want to do search over Users using their phone number, the search_list don't do that with fields of PhoneNumberField(): class User(AbstractUser, PermissionsMi

Insert data from SQL file in Django DB

I'm working on a Django Project, and I have all my datas in .sql files. I want to insert all of them in my Database. Can I use the python shell to do it ? Or sh

Elasticsearch 5.x Fails to Start

I have been trying to install Elasticsearch, which, for version 7.x seemed easy, whereas for version 5.x is a pain in the neck. The whole ordeal exists because

How to pull specific remote branch in VS Code Remote Container

Is it possible to checkout a specific branch to the container Repo as done by the following command on a "normal" cloned Repo? git clone --branch <branchname

Amazon SES SMTP SMTPDataError: (554, "Transaction failed: Missing final '@domain'") in python

I am trying to send an email with attachment using AmazonSES SMTP but I am getting the following error: SMTPDataError: (554, "Transaction failed: Missing fi

Run scala tests on Android

(Sequel to this.) There's a Java library to which I have added patches for Android support. I would like to automate testing of the code, but in order to chec

Pagination in angular

I'm using ngx-pagination app.module: import { NgxPaginationModule } from 'ngx-pagination'; @NgModule({ declara

Mongod and mongo command not working in termux

I'm getting this error CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "mongod": library "" not found