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minizinc python installation

I installed minizinc on python through anaconda prompt as normally with other packages. pip install minizinc The package says it was installed successfully and

How to use vlookup to find the value based on time in another table (google sheet)?

I'm trying to get the values for column C in Table 1 from column H by using vlookup. However, seems like the vlookup doesn't work and return a N/A. I had check

Oracle nvl2 not working in stored procedure PLS-00201: identifier 'NVL2' must be declared

As title, I'm writing some Stored Procedure on Oracle, first I checked the version SELECT * FROM v$version; with result Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Editi

How do i delete a particular sheet in a flat file with python?

Im trying to write a loop that browses through my directory to find a file that starts with a particular filename('TVC') and deletes a specific sheet within tha

what does "outb" in AT&T asm mean?

I am reading some code of Linux. The keyboard.S has something like outb %al,$0x61 and inb $0x61,%al I think the pending 'b' means 'byte', but i still cann

Measuring the HTTP response time with requests library in Python. Am I doing it right?

I am trying to induce an artificial delay in the HTTP response from a web application (This is a technique used to do blind SQL Injections). If the below HTTP r

"Request is not available" on apollo graphql query to withApiAuthRequired endpoint

I'm fairly new to graphql/apollo setup, and am stuck on the following issue: My setup looks like this roughly: Resolvers: export const resolvers: Resolvers = {