Initially i needed just DaoAuthenticationProvider with my custom UserDetailsService. So I just implemented it with @Service like following: public interface Use
So I want to know if its possible to create a certain derived class by constructing the base class with a certain argument. For example: lets say; class Base {
I'm on a project where I need to manage connections to both a MongoDB Instance and a PostgreSQL instance. My current idea is to make a custom type that will con
I have some script I need to run during a Docker build which requires a tty (which Docker does not provide during a build). Under the hood the script uses the r
I am making a Python pyinstaller executable with a console on Windows that prints new output and once in a while asks for input from user, however sometimes whe
I had developed an update (with flutter) for my existing app in playstore. All went well so uploaded to playstore signing with my old key. (Ref:https://docs.flu
Im learning React & Redux by making a game project. I want to fetch data (attributes) by API, but it cause too many requests. Guess it can be realted to pla