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Gitlab pipeline failing on "Cleaning up project directory and file based variables"

I have a Gitlab pipeline that is failing when it attempts docker build (using Kaniko) I am yet to do a successful docker build BUT this particular error has sta

Excel data to the MySql database

I have already find this code and tried - it creates a DOM object from the copypasted textarea from Excel. The script: <script> function generateTable() {

How can I pass both the title and an image file from my front end (React.js) to my backend API (Spring Boot)?

I am attempting to make an application that allows a registered user to submit an image file (.jpeg, .png, etc) along with a title of that image. I am having tr

Weird caching issue with react native webview only on iOS

This is only happening on IOS, on android I'm getting expected behavior. I have this property on my web view from react-native-webview onNavigationState

Return number of Employees per year by appointment status

I have a table with columns as follows: +-----------+--------------------+---------------+-------------+ | person_id | appointment_status | starting_date | endi

Ionic - my thermal printer not response after send data using bluetooth

import { BluetoothSerial } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/bluetooth-serial/ngx'; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: '', styleU

Packing the Project didn't create nupkg file (Visual Studio 2022)

I followed this guide: for creating a nupkg