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zabbix agent return powershell value

i try to monitor cpu server with zabbix agent, my item key is not supported on zabbix, i tried this item key :["powershell.exe -NoProfile -Executio

Opengl shader to colour edges of square

I have a basic opengl app which is displaying a square, the squares colour is determined using interpolation. In my fragment shader I am trying to detect if the

getting error message while try to load mapbox

mapboxgl.accessToken = 'xxxxxxxx'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', // container ID style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11', // style

NextJS middleware can fetch httpOnly cookies only during development?

When Using the NextJS _middleware.js cookie is fetched by it during development in localhost, but as soon as I deploy onto vercel it stops fetching the cookie.

Alternative to metamask popup

so I have created a DApp whose purpose is basically to transfer user details given by user to admin using blockchain. I don't want my users to download metamask

overlapPlot_kernel density function_transparent polygons

I'm trying to ass some polygons behind my overlapPlot in which I have the two Kernel Density curves of daily activities of my species. I've tried several ways,

Error when reading yahoofinancials JSON: Unexpected character found when decoding 'NaN'

I am trying to read a json, which I get from the python package 'yahoofinancials' (it pulls the data from Yahoo Finance): import numpy as np import pandas as pd