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`ipywidgets.interact` shows the widget itself but does not apply the function in the argument (Jupyter Notebook)

I have a problem that interactive objects from ipywidgets do not work in Jupyter Notebook on my computer. The widget itself is displayed but the function that i

Passport.js - req.isAuthenticated is not a function

I'm new to node and express and node and I'm building an authentication feature with passport.js. In my routes I'm using a middleware function called "checkNotA

Google Cloud Ops Agent too many errors

On one of my server in GCP something wrong with google-cloud-ops-agent. Fluent Bit that agent uses for logs writes too many errors logs. For three days it had 8

Access denied to S3 bucket with s3-bucket-ssl-requests-only bucket policy

I am running an application on AWS EKS cluster and one of the pods has access to my S3 bucket. It works fine until I add a bucket policy. When I add s3-bucket-s

Use a function to calculate probabilities of non-zero values per window in rolling windows in R

I have a matrix with 0 and 1 as the following: set.seed(9900) M = matrix(rbinom(50, 1, 0.2), 5, 10) > M [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,1

C# How to Test Hardware Components

We´ve got the challenge to test our hardware service, it turns out to be more difficult. Mostly our hardware are RFID Reader which can perfom Mifare DESFi

Trying to plot images for specific file names

I am trying to print a bunch of pictures from my folder using matplotlib however I am not sure how to fixe this error. Basically, I am trying to get specific fi

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException raised while the same is shown as loaded in -verbose logs and also present in the OSGI Bundle jar file

I have an existing Maven project working fine on a java version 1.8.0_241. But this supports vaadin version 7.2.6 and is needed to upgrade to vaadin 8 along wit