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HTTP Post Request: 401 (Unauthorized)

I have the following problem: My server responds to an HTTP POST with a 401 error. In the same webapp, I'm able to use an HTTP GET request and that works fine.

How can i implement fade and collapse in vuejs3?

i want to implement collapse and hidden in vuejs but i think, ref it does not work in vue3 i am getting this error Header.vue?76f0:68 Uncaught (in promise) Type

Comparing the Suite and Value of Two Random Cards in Python

I am working on a program that will select two random cards from a deck (our instructor is having us use a dictionary to symbolize the deck) to see if they shar

JOptionPane not working with ellipse function

I don't think there is any problem with code, but somehow it is not showing the ellipse before the loop is done. my code is: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; vo

Pyspark: Replacing value in a column by searching a dictionary

I'm a newbie in PySpark. I have a Spark DataFrame df that has a column 'device_type'. I want to replace every value that is in "Tablet" or "Phone" to "Phone"

Converted jar to exe file but not working after installation

I converted my first java swing app to exe using advanced installer and inno setup(Tried both no result). Considering Inno Setup : on double clicking nothing ha

python:Write a program that keeps reading positive numbers from the user

hi i am very new to programming and was doing my 6th assignment when i started to draw a blank i feel as thou its really simple but i cant figure out how to con

How to animate a path on an Android Canvas

Is possible to attach an animator to a path? Is there any other way to draw animated lines on the Canvas? I searched this before I posted but I couldn’t f

Typescript say variable can be null even if I check before

I have an argument that can be string or null. At the beginning of the function I check to see if this argument is null, if yes, I set a default value. However,