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Store the arguments as public members

in python, what is the meaning of "Store the pattern in the public member output and return a copy"? for example how can I create a copy from this class? class

how to filter a list only if the another list is not null

I'm trying to filter a list myList, but only if the another list choosenThings is NOT null. Optionally: Check if it has at least one element. myList - the base

Performance issue in Golang's key-value store (Badger DB)

In badgerDB, we have billions of keys of type string and values of type HashValueList. In our use case length of HashValueList might be in millions. We have to

Promise inside of forEach in Typescript

I have the following code: original_test(){ var arr=[1,2,3] arr.forEach((a: any) => { console.log("Before") this.test().then(()=>{

Check if a string is palindrome

I need to create a program that allows a user to input a string and my program will check to see if that string they entered is a palindrome (word that can be r

Pass data from the model to js for a specific day and time

I have a model in which we can choose the opening hours of the institution for each day of the week, from such and such to such and such, for example Monday 12:

How to get references to views in custom PreferenceScreen

I have a custom PreferenceScreen in preferences.xml <PreferenceScreen android:key="userImage" android:layout="@layout/user_profil

Android Jetpack Compose (Composable) How to properly implement Swipe Refresh

I use the SwipeRefresh composable from the accompanist library, I checked the examples, but I could not find sample that matches my needs. I want to implement e

React js download several files with custom names

I need to download 3 different files after clicking on button "DOWNLOAD". I'm generating several files and put them into'data:text/c