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Password recovery - Django token never expires

I've set up a password recovery system in my application which work pretty well however I'm facing a problem with the token issued which apparently never expire

A "Function lookup table" in place of switches

I came across some code recently that replaces the use of switches by hard-coding a Dictionary<string (or whatever we would've been switching on), Func<

Three.js mesh position toJSON()

I have an issue, using .toJSON() and .ObjectLoader(). I'm creating a mesh object (Object3D) with a position and converting it into JSON. mesh.position.set(path

How ThingsBoard linked/refer the device in the system?

This is not exactly a problem I am facing. This is more of a clarification/explanation I am looking for, but not getting any clear answer. In ThingsBoard (IoT p

Azure Service Bus client in dependency injection with Dynamic Connection string

I have an azure function which uses service bus topic. Also I have to write messages into two service bus topics. So obviously two connection strings for the th

'bootstrap_tags' is not a valid tag library

I'm using pinax-theme-bootstrap-account with django-user-accounts. When I want to use pinax templates I get this error: 'bootstrap_tags' is not a valid tag l

To pass the Response from the nested function `Django REST framework`

I am using python django with Django REST framework It can return the Reponse to the browser like this, in the from rest_framework.response import Resp

XML iterating over a root to print elements by their tags

I have a XML file like this: and I want to iterate through it to print out the temperature every time the tag is <temperature>. Is there any functions bu

How to add "Crop" in order to concatenate the skip connections in Encoder and Decoder Levels as described in UNET paper

I have implemented the following UNET Paper Code and here is the architecture: The problem with this is that that at level 4, Encoder has features of shape 512

AWS managed hyperledger connecting to the wrong orderer endpoint

I have a hyperledger fabric v2.2 blockchain network on AWS Managed Blockchain. The orderer endpoint shown on the aws managed blockchain console is orderer.xxxxx