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Powershell Get-Module -ListAvailable not showing my module after import

My powershell module has versioning i.e. it's installed in: c:\program files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\MyModule\4.0\MyModule.dll When I open powershell ISE I ca

VS Code settings.json is ignored by Eslint when trying to set custom .eslintrc.js path

I'm trying to set up a custom eslintrc.js for my workspace using the settings.json in VS Code with this (I've tried many options): { "prettier.configPath":

Why is `cat /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/name_assign_type` failing with "Invalid argument"?

While examining the details for some bug, I noticed that the "file" /sys/devices/virtual/net/br0/name_assign_type (that has permissions -r--r--r--) cannot be re

HTTP ERROR 400 Invalid SNI - Jetty HTTPS servlet

I am trying to solve an issue with my Jetty servlet running over HTTPS. It is showing this error page in the browser: What I did: I created my Keystore and Tru

How to set global.TextDecoder in jest for jsdom if node's util.TextDecoder is type mismatch?

Try to use jsdom with Jest in an NX repo (typescript/angular) and I get the problem that TextEncoder and TextDecoder are not present. I get the same result whet

python script returns multiple data, how to get the first data and download it

My script is import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth import json url = "{issueIdOrKey}" auth

Spoof client user agent in Next.js

I have a route that redirects iPhones, but no great way to test it: export const getServerSideProps = async ({ req }) => { const isIphone = req.headers['us