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Extending a control reusing its own original renderer

I need a custom control in my app composed by a ColumnListItem followed by a (custom) progressbar spanning all the ColumnListItem width. I tried extending a sap

IntPtr - Memory & GDI leak [C#]

The Problem: When taking Screenshots of a Screen (in a loop) I get a RAM and GDI leak. private Bitmap GetSS(int ScreenWidth, int ScreenHeight, int ScreenWidthCu

Pass extra data on the first iteration of a v-for loop

I'm creating a table with a json object given by an API The API data looks like this: const data = { period1: [ { uur: '1', klas: '4c, 4d', lokaal:

Docker how to copy dotnet published folder to local machine

I have a dockerfile in which I build a console application. After running the publish commmand within the dockerfile I can see the output folder using RUN ls-la

pandas three-way joining multiple dataframes on columns

I have 3 CSV files. Each has the first column as the (string) names of people, while all the other columns in each dataframe are attributes of that person. Ho

sum all rows pairwise in two data frames and save to matrix

I have a data frame df1 and a data frame df 2 df1 colA colB ... 30 2 ... 3 100 ... 15 9 ... .. .. ... df2 colA colB ... 10 200 ... 0

How to Install Matplotlib Basemap Module on Windows 7 with WinPython (or any Python stack install)?

I've found that the Basemap (module for matplotlib and Python) binary installer for Windows cannot detect Python on the system when Python is installed as part

Why is .gitignore not ignoring my files?

See the image below. My .gitignore file should be ignoring all files in src/dist, but isn't.

Use CSS to create a drop cap as an image (with accessibility)

There are plenty of guides online explaining how to do drop caps in HTML and CSS, e.g. (They typically require a