I want to make regular HealthKit requests in the background in a BGTask. I don't want to observe changes in HealthKit necessarily. Is this possible?
I am learning django. I am stuck with this problem. The problem is that form.is_valid() always returns false. I tried to debug and I think that the problem is b
We have a web site that is using shibboleth. I need to exclude a portion from being protected. So far the only way I can get this to work is by excluding an ent
I am very new to Eclipse and I am currently running Eclipse 2022-03 with CDT 10.6.1 installed. I've been trying to setup the default C/C++ compiler flags for al
I have a Flask form and it adds entries into db without issues. However, when I click 'submit' on the empty form, it adds null entries. I already have limitatio
I want to run a bunch of jobs in parallel and then continue once all the jobs are finished. I've got something like # based on example code from https://pymotw
I am getting this error: configparser.ParsingError: Source contains parsing errors: 'my.ini' although I am getting uncommented-values printed on the terminal. m
When using Pycharm, I rely a lot on the "find usages" feature. This allows me to position the cursor on a variable and get automatically to that place where the
I have a recursive function that is executed around 750~ times - iterating over XML files and processing. The code is running using Start-Job Example below: $jo