I am referring to SCSI SPC-5 (Scsi Primary Commands) Specification. While going through SCSI write buffer command (opcode=0x3B), I found various values for MODE
I have an Intel Realsense camera and I am trying to measure the distance and using a Mask_RCNN as in: https://pysource.com/2021/06/24/identify-and-measure-preci
On ARM 32-bit machines, the Start Address of DMA and size can be found from the variables 'atomic_pool' and 'atomic_pool_size' present in arch/arm/mm/dma-mappin
ECS Fargate(ver 1.4.0) service creation is getting failed with below error Resource initilization error unable to pull secrets or registry auth: execution resou
I want to solve ode equation which is written in matrix form. A=[-0.0178 0 -10;0 -0.2352 10;1 -1 0]; and B=[0.3313 -8.9335;0 3.7245;0 0]. Variables are x=[x1;x2
I have around 500,000 arrays of 10 words i.e. 500,000 word 10-grams. For every 10-gram, I need to know in which positions, if any, the remaining 499,999 10-gram
I am trying to extract google chat threads from spaces in which there are standard messages like: Help - Case 123456 what i would like to do is to export that d
I was reading the official documentation for AWS' GSI. In the documentation they are indicating that the GameScores table has a Primary Key (UserID) and a Sort