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Django query set to display particular field on webpage

I am trying to display the variants(field) that are related to the model RecordVariant on my webpage i have queryset on my view default how can i change my quer

Django: Instantiating a form in a custom class based view

This is my first post, and I am new to Django so go easy on me! I am trying to convert my function based views into class based views so I can reuse the views e

How to understand tensorflow predictions?

I learning tensorflow from beginning from youtube: And the last code about predictions like this: first:

Missing -symbol.json error when trying to compile a SageMaker semantic segmentation model (built-in algorithm) with SageMaker Neo

I have trained a SageMaker semantic segmentation model, using the built-in sagemaker semantic segmentation algorithm. This deploys ok to a SageMaker endpoint an

How to set one pandas dataframe column value based on a 2nd column's value [duplicate]

Situation I have a pandas dataframe dfwith a column sentiment_rating. index sentiment_rating 2022-03-20 .3 2022-03-21 -.4 2022-03-24 -.7 2022

How to create a staking smart contract?

I'm a novice in a smartcontracts but want to create a simple stake contract in Solana. But can't understand when I need to update a reward counter per user? Bec

how to stop ssrs report url asking for cedentials

I deployed reports on test server.i am using ssrs 2008 r2. testers and developers are on same domain called 'ASDF' and testreport server is on 'HIJL' domain. wh

Is there any order in WordNet's synsets?

I am using WordNet to access synonyms that share a common meaning. Here is an example: from itertools import chain from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn synse