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How can I configure work items to require parent items

In my organization we need to configure work items to require the field callled parent, also I want to know if it´s possible send a warning for all the wo

Correctly handling ANSI escaped strings in Python 3

I use ANSI escaped strings in python 3/Ubuntu for printing e.g. colored text to the terminal. When I now try to find the "correct" length of such a string, this

How does this sorting code work? How does it find the minimum numbers?

I found this code on stack overflow answering a topic I was working on (how to sort a list of integers without using sort and sorted built-in functions): data_l

Html5 video not working in ios, how fix it?

I found a lot of answers about this question, but nothing helped me <video poster="./poster.jpg" class='w-100' muted autoplay loo

Having issue with getting value from object variable. No errors showing

I created an array called animals containing two objects. I want to get a value from the name variable in the object animals and insert that value in a return s

HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=5000): Max retries exceeded with url

I am encountering this error, when i try to make a call to a service that is deployed using docker-compose on port 5000 from a django application also deployed

How to unmerge a previously merged commit in git?

Initially I had this: > git log --oneline a807e4a (HEAD -> master) Add test . . . 4a92648 Improve xyz file f81cae4 Edit xyz file . . . 7cbf3ec Add gitigno

How to configure nginx to serve single named virtualhost when apache2 has multiple virtualhost

i have two virtual hosts Name: & I want to reverse proxy through nginx for apache2 ports configu