We are upgrading our config server dependency versions (spring cloud config and spring boot) with spring-cloud-config-server 3.0.5 we started seeing the below e
I wondered if any of you knew of a tool that would allow me to select a line in my code and then view a list view of the history of that line on a commit-by-com
When I run the integration test for code which calls JPA repository within a new thread, I'm getting data that was populated during starting PostgreSQLContainer
I need help creating a script, bash, python whichever works best within Kali linux. What I need the script to do is open up the default terminal (ZSH) create th
i'm trying to present in my ViewController(which i will call main VC) and a MenuViewController . I've created MenuViewController with 1 view(which i've set lik
I'm having an issue using Angular 9 with Spring Boot for a simple application that uploads files along with data from the UI, in the same request. Until I've im
My code build on jenkins working till few days back with jdk 1.8 and suddenly it started throwing exception javafx packages doesn't exist like 16:28:25 [ERROR]
I am using ubuntu, apache, mysql. I want to capture mysql syntax error in the mysql error log file. In /etc/mysql/my.cnf configuration file, I did something lik
<template> <div> <h1>Index</h1> <button @click="showMe">BUTTON</button> </div> </template> <scri
I'm trying to use Google's Cloud Data Fusion (CDF) to perform an ETL of some OLTP data in PostGres into BigQuery (BQ). We will copy the contents of a few select