'Range-v3 operator overloading to write shorter code

For my matrix class I want to do some sort of operator overloading (probably using expression templates) on range-v3 views for + - / * % . For example if I want to get a view of the sum of two columns, I want to write

col_1 + col_2

instead of

rv::zip_with([](auto c1, auto c2) {return c1 + c2;}, col_1, col_2);

Probably some ideas from this paper can be used to avoid constructing too many temporaries. Here is the code that I want to write:

//simple example
//what I want to write
auto rangeview =    col_1 + col_2;
//what I can write
auto rangeview =    rv::zip_with([](auto c1, auto c2) {
                        return c1 + c2;
                    }, col_1, col_2);

//what I want to write
auto rangeview =    col_1 + col_2 + col_3;
//what I can write
auto rangeview =    rv::zip_with([](auto c1, auto c2, auto c3) {
                        return c1 + c2 + c3;
                    }, col_1, col_2, col_3);

//what I want to write
auto rangeview =    10*col_1 + 20*col_2 - 30*col_3;
//what I can write
auto rangeview =    rv::zip_with([](auto c1, auto c2, auto c3) {
                        return 10.0*c1 + 20.0*c2 - 30.0*c3;
                    }, col_1, col_2, col_3);

//more advanced with elementwise multiplication
//what I want to write
auto rangeview =    10*col_1 + 20*col_2 - col_2 % col_3;
//what I can write
auto rangeview =    rv::zip_with([](auto c1, auto c2, auto c3) {
                        return 10.0*c1 + 20.0*c2 - c2*c3;
                    }, col_1, col_2, col_3);

Solution 1:[1]

Range views are supposedly lazy; Is it not why they are called views in the first place? So why not to return the resulting view in a user defined operand of your own? They'll ideally get evaluated, once the final range is iterated in a for loop or an algorithm.

IMHO not everything can be provided by the std or any other general purpose library. Some little tweaks are necessary using any tool:

decltype(auto) operator+(column const& col_1, column const& col_2){
    return rv::zip_transform( [] (auto c1, auto c2)
                                 {return c1 + c2;},
                             rv::all(col_2) );

A scalar * vector multiplication operator can be separately defined in a similar manor too. Then the linear combination of columns is written just as it is mathematically written. The actual calculations will wait till a for loop or an algorithm like std::fold or std::foreach traverses the range.

Lazy scalar * vector product becomes:

decltype(auto) operator*(range_value_t<column> const coef, column& col) {
    return rv::transform(rv::all(col),[=,coef](auto x){return coef*x});

Solution 2:[2]

You main concern seem to be with (possible huge) temporaries that could be created. This can be solved with a concept called expression templates, but there is not really a one size fits all solution here. Best bet is probably switch to a matrix library that supports that. Unless you are developing a library or want to invest in this you probably want to steer away from writing your own expression templates. An easier method for getting closer, but without a lot of operator overloading/expression templates could be using range based for loop with custom iteration type (not as syntactically sugery as expression templates but much easier to implement):


*resultype* result;//perhaps alloc on this line or make zip handle it..
for (auto z : zip(result, col_1, col_2, col_3)) {
  z[0] = 10.0*z[1] + 20.0*z[2] - 30.0*z[3];

This is on the idea stage, but will be a bit shorter (and imho a bit more pleasing to read) than the lambda style. How to implement the zip class I leave out of this answer.

Solution 3:[3]

I agree with @darune, unless you have a strong need, you should use a library, and in particular Eigen. Most of the operations you want to support are illustrated on This link.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 darune
Solution 3 Dilan