'React Typescript: Type issue when passing multiple refs to child component

I have a main component that passes down multiple refs to Panels component like so

import { useRef } from 'react';
import Panels from './Panels';

export const Main = (props) => {
  const childRefs = useRef<HTMLDivElement[]>([]);
  const sliderRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  const wrapperRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);

  const carouselRefs = useRef({ childRefs, sliderRef, wrapperRef });

  return (

export default Main;

and inside of the Panels component I have this code:

import React, { FC, ForwardedRef, MutableRefObject, RefObject } from 'react';

export interface IPanels {
  children: React.ReactNode[];
  currentPanel: number;
  ref: MutableRefObject<{
    childRefs: MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement[]>;
    sliderRef: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
    wrapperRef: RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;

export const Panels: FC<IPanels> = React.forwardRef(
    { children, currentPanel }: IPanels,
    forwardedRef: ForwardedRef<HTMLDivElement>
  ) => {
    const { wrapperRef, childRefs, sliderRef } = forwardedRef.current;

    return (
      <div ref={wrapperRef}>
        <div ref={sliderRef}>
          {children &&
            children.length &&
            children.map((child, index) => {
              return (
                  className="mx-4 mb-12"
                  ref={(element) => {
                    return element && childRefs.current.push(element);

export default Panels;

I can see there is a typescript error over export const Panels that reads:

Type 'ForwardRefExoticComponent<Pick<IPanels, "children" | "currentPanel"> & RefAttributes<HTMLDivElement>>' is not assignable to type 'FC<IPanels>'.

I think I might have the ref type in IPanels incorrectly, although I'm not entirely sure how. Any help would be great, thanks.


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