'Redshift: copy command Json data from s3

I have the following JSON data.




         "name":"Kirtipur Office - wireless",

I need to load this from the s3 bucket using the copy command. I have uploaded this file to my S3 bucket.

I have worked with copy command for csv files but have not worked with copy command on JSON files. I researched regarding json import via copy command but did not find solid helpful command examples.

I used the following code for my copy command.

COPY vianet_raw_data 
from 's3://vianet-test/vianet.json' 
with credentials as '' 
format as json 'auto';

This did not insert any data.

Can anyone please help me with the copy command for such JSON?

Thanks and Regards

Solution 1:[1]

There are 2 scenarios (most probably 1st):

  1. You want AWS's auto option to load from the s3 you provided in line 2. For that, you do:
COPY vianet_raw_data 
from 's3://vianet-test/vianet.json' 
with credentials as '' 
json 'auto';
  1. Use custom json loading paths (i.e. you don't want all paths automatically)
COPY vianet_raw_data 
from 's3://vianet-test/vianet.json' 
with credentials as '' 
format as json 's3://vianet-test/vianet_PATHS.json';

Here, 's3://vianet-test/vianet_PATHS.json' contains all the specific JSON from the main location you want to look at.

Refer: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_COPY_command_examples.html#r_COPY_command_examples-copy-from-json

Solution 2:[2]

One issue I notice is the formatting. It is nicely formatted the way you shared which is good to see for us, but when loading it into Redshift via COPY command I generally trim the JSON by removing all 'new line' and blank spaces.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Vzzarr