'save data on windows directory

i'm writing an app that upload and save images from directories of windows to the app. I have write the function to upload the image on the app but I can't find a function to save the image in a determinate folder.

I tried the function of the library file_picker but save only the settings and I have no idea ho to save the image. Can someone help me?

the code:

 onPressed: () async {
    String? newPath = await FilePicker.platform.saveFile(
                fileName: nameFile,
                type: FileType.image,

              FilePickerCross file = FilePickerCross(
                path: newPath,

              await file.exportToStorage();

update: I found the library file_picker_cross. There's two problems:

  1. when i try to save the app opens the save window twice in a row;

  2. the saved file is as if it were corrupt because show the text "format not supported even if it is a png".


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