'Saving ArrayBuffer in IndexedDB

How can I save binary data (in an ArrayBuffer object) into IndexedDB?

The IndexedDB spec doesn't mention ArrayBuffer - does that mean that is not supported (and I have to pack ArrayBuffer as a string or a an array?).

Solution 1:[1]

In the latest (nightly) builds of FF this is very easy. See this bug.

window.BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder ||

var bb = new BlobBuilder();
var myblob = bb.getBlob();

indexedDB.open("mydatabase").onsuccess = function(e) {
  var db = e.result;
  var trans = db.transaction(["objectstore1", "objectstore2", READ_WRITE);
  trans.objectStore("objectstore1").put(myblob, "somekey");
  trans.objectStore("objectstore2").put(myblob, "otherkey");


objectStore.put({ name: "Santa", age: 400, height: 185, img: myblob});

There's an open bug for the same in Chrome: crbug.com/108012

Solution 2:[2]

Simply saving the ArrayBuffer should "just work". I believe it does in all current IndexedDB implementations.

I.e. something like:

    var trans = db.transaction("mystore", IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE); // or "readwrite"
    trans.objectStore("mystore").put(myArrayBuffer, "mykey");

Finding that this is defined by specifications is... challenging... to say the least. But it goes something like this:

  • IndexedDB uses the "structured clone" definition for all stored data.
  • "structured clone" is defined in the HTML5 specification and mentions a lot of data types native to Javascript and a few other types like Files and Blobs.
  • The ArrayBuffer specification from Khronos defines ArrayBuffers and specifies that the HTML5 definition of "structured clone" should be changed to also clone ArrayBuffers.

Yeah, I know, I wouldn't have found it either.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 ebidel
Solution 2 urish