'Select all marked search results in Geany

I want to select all occurrences of a search term in a text document to copy and paste them into another file.

For example:


When seaching for "[^"]*.dat" with checkbox Use regular expressions enabled, I am ably to successfully mark the desired results "efgh.dat" and "qrst.dat" with the Mark button under Find All. But they're not selected, so I can't copy them.

How can I select all marked search result?

Solution 1:[1]

In Geany 1.36, when you select "find all" in find, the results appear in a window at the bottom called "messages". If you select one of the results in this window and right click, a pop up allows you a choice (among others) to "copy all". You can then paste the results where needed, Also, with Geany's CTRL-ALT select, you can block select the prefix file info and line numbers to delete it, leaving the search lines results.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Bob