'Sending two clicks with requests_html, but only the first one seems to be working

So, I have this webpage that I have to do some crawling. Here's what I have to do: I have to go on this page (https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing),

click on this div:click on this div

and then click on the view as table icon on the right corner of the page and then click on the view as table icon on the right corner of the page

so I can extract this table so I can extract this table

Here's the Python code:

import requests_html
from jsscript import script

with requests_html.HTMLSession() as s:
    url = "https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing"
    r = s.get(url)
    r.html.render(sleep=10, timeout=200, script=script, keep_page=False)
    html_text = r.html.html

and here's the JS script I wrote for clicking on both buttons:

script = """
() => {
    function sleep (time) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
function clickButton () {
    const item = document.querySelector("#__next > section > div.ContainerStyles__StyledContainer-sc-1vejnbq-0.fTRAxt.container > div.MasonryStyles__MasonryDiv-sc-n3swdp-0.cevqpZ > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(1)");
    if(item) {
sleep(200).then(() => {
    const item2 = document.querySelector('#__next > section > div.ContainerStyles__StyledContainer-sc-1vejnbq-0.fTRAxt.container > div.HeroPricing___StyledDiv-sc-13g3nko-39.kvnoDg > div > div.HeroPricingStyles__StyledToolsContainer-sc-h8uh2t-5.mBMrO.dropletsToolsContainer > div.HeroPricingStyles__StyledEndContainer-sc-h8uh2t-10.MZirY.dropletsEndContainer > button:nth-child(3) > img');
    if(item2) {

Problem is, once I print html_text, all I get is the HTML after the first button was clicked, like the second wasn't clicked at all. I tried simulating this on the navigator console and it works fine, both buttons are clicked and I can get to the table page successfully.

I've already checked this problem (Sending a click with requests_html and pyppeteer python) and it has helped me a lot, but still doesn't solve my second click problem.

Is it possible at all to do multiple-clicks with requests-html?

Using selenium is not an option.

I've never used requests-html before, but even after checking documentation and some YouTube videos I still don't know what might be going wrong.

Thanks in advance.


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