'Set @JoinColumn name in doctrine


In the end as @Jakumi commented it was just a cache issue, after clearing it everything worked as expected.

There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

-- Phil Karlton

In the project I'm working on we use doctrine as ORM only meaning we don't use doctrine migrations. I'm trying to map a column (from an existing table) which has a OneToMany association like this:

     * @var InternalUser
     * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\InternalUser", inversedBy="blocos")
     * @ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=false, name="owner")
    private $owner;

The problem is the column name is only owner not owner_id but when querying the database, using ->find('id') for example, doctrine appends an _id suffix to the column name, generating a query that looks like this:

SELECT .... t0.owner_id AS owner_id_6 FROM ... 

And when the query is executed I get a Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column t0.owner_id does not exist because the right name is just 'owner'.

I've tried setting both name and referencedColumnName to "owner" in the @JoinColumn annotation but it appends the _id suffix anyway.

I've also looked at naming strategies but it doesn't seem to be responsible for the _id suffix (I'm using the default UnderscoreNamingStrategy that comes with symfony4)

Is there anyway to configure doctrine to not add the '_id' suffix?

Changing the column name is not an option

Solution 1:[1]

name is exactly for that, when you use it, doctrine should map correctly.

Now, what it seems awkward here is that you mentioned ->find('id').

If you have table A, and you desire to look something based on the id of that table is when you use ->find($id), it will look for the id of that table.

But you are talking of a relation, in which case you should use findBy(['field' => $value]) or findOneBy(['field' => $value]).

I hoe this help, if not, can you show the exact query you are using and both side of the relation?


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Richard PĂ©rez