'shell script in podman conatinerfile
I have a very simple Container file to create an image
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest
USER root
RUN mkdir /u01/
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash ofm
RUN echo 'ofm:passwdofm' | chpasswd
RUN chown -R ofm:ofm /u01
USER ofm
RUN mkdir -p /u01/downloads /u01/app
# copy sadeLogger dir from host system to container
COPY --chown=ofm:ofm ./sadeLogger /u01/downloads/
# install jdk in the container
RUN /u01/downloads/installOracleJdk.sh /u01/downloads/jdk-8u321-linux-x64.tar.gz
# install my little app in the container
RUN /u01/downloads/sadeLogAgentInstall.sh /u01/downloads/SadeLogAgent.tar
# run my little app in the container
RUN /u01/app/SadeLogAgent/gosadelogagent.sh &
When I create container from this image, everything works except last step. For some reason it cannot run my app. If I start container in interactive mode I can get into the container and start my application and it works fine. I want my application to run in when I start container in detached mode. Can some help with this? What could be the posible reason that last step does not work?
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