'Shopify invalid token and password Error

I am getting this error :

    "errors": "[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)"

Can anyone help me About the URL or why this error is coming. I am right now using Postman.

Url I am hitting :


Also can anyone tell me what's the pass here and token. Maybe that can be the error. I searched in shopify account there is no password in my app. Is it my account password ? And also should this password be encoded or not ?

Maybe this answer is already given before but I didn't find it. Can you lead me to it also?

Solution 1:[1]

I think you are stuck in public apps for shopify. Password is for Private Apps. Rather going on the developer account, go to the main admin account OR follow this URL:


Here, you create a new private app and you will be able to find the password there.


Solution 2:[2]

Invalid API key or access token. error response occurs in many conditions.

  • When there access token or password is invalid. (Check weather the access token and password correct pair of combinations in private app section.)
  • Invalid access url. (Check the format of url. https://apikey:password@hostname/admin/resource.json)
  • Invalid api permission. (Check for the permission applied on private app api from Admin API permissions section)

Solution 3:[3]

Shopify Theme Kit Command : theme get --list -p=[password] -s="my-store.myshopify.com"

Shopify Theme Kit Tip: Don't include the URL protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) in the store parameter.

Solution: Just remove Http/Https from the [-s=" "] store URL from the command.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Himanshu_Singh_PM
Solution 2 Radhesh Vayeda
Solution 3 Sweta Jha